Baby kit to all new-borns via Apotek Hjärtat

Gundua Foundation

Apotek Hjärtat is doing a fund raising campaign on behalf of Gundua Health Centre. As part of the support program from Apotek Hjärtat different campaigns are undertaken to collect money for specific needs.

Former campaigns have focused on vaccines for children, implants for women or drilling a well. This campaign is again aimed at children.  As many new-borns in Ex-Lewa as possible are given a start box with some of the basic things needed to give the child a good start in life–  a baby bath, a set of clothes, a hat, wrap to carry the child, a towel, some washing cloths. Things that are taken for granted in Sweden but not at all common in the very poor rural area where the Clinic is operating. Thanks to Apotek Hjärtat and to all your customers who are supporting this campaign.