Support Gundua Foundation
Would you like to support the Gundua Foundation? Please contact Richard Ohlson on +46 70 975 99 11, or by
Education is a powerful tool to eliminate poverty and create better living conditions in poor areas. Now your help is more urgent than ever after a whole year of closed schools due to the pandemic and therefore no continued studies for our students at Gundua Primary and Secondary Schools in Ex-Lewa.
Here is how you can help our students quickly resume their studies. Choose a gift below and wire your donation to the Gundua Foundation.

Donations from Sweden
Bankgiro: 900-2163
Plusgiro: 90 02 16-3
Swish: 123 900 21 63

Donations from abroad
Bank: Swedbank
IBAN: SE4180000816619036731090
Account number: 81661-903 673 109-0
This is what your donation will generate:
10 EUR: School material for one student
30 EUR: School desk for one student at Gundua Primary School
40 EUR: School uniform for one student
50 EUR: School desk/chair for one student at Gundua Secondary School
100 EUR: Annual school fee for one student in our craftsschool
750 EUR: Annual school fee for one student at Gundua Secondary School
1000 EUR: One year Grant for graduate studies at University for last year students at Gundua Secondary School (to be named after donator)
4000 EUR: 4 year Grant for graduate studies at University during 4 years for last year students at Gundua Secondary School (to be named after donator)
10 000 EUR: A new classroom at Gundua Secondary School (to be named after donator)
Gundua Foundation is a non-profit organization working to improve reading and writing skills and the general educational level and thereby improving living conditions in the community of Ex-Lewa in Kenya. H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden is a committed patron of the Gundua Foundation.
Gundua Foundation differs from many other non-profit organizations by having a minimum of administrative costs and tasks, which means that contributions go directly to those in most need, i.e. our children and students in Ex-Lewa.
A heartfelt thank you for your generous contribution. It will make an immediate and concrete impact.
Did you know that donations to the Gundua Foundation are tax deductible? Non-profit organisations are not required to pay either yield or dividend tax.
Be sure to contact your bank in good time before the company’s annual meeting in order for your gift to be registered at the Gundua Foundation. The dividend has to be given away before you collect it.
Do you have a VP-account? Use the form “Anmälan av rättighetshavare för VP-konto”, which we have received from Fondhandlarföreningen. Fill out the form and send it to the bank. Do you have a bank depot? Contact your bank, as routines may differ between banks. Check with your bank whether you can use our general form “Gåvobrev aktieutdelning”.
If you choose to donate part of your dividend, just open a new VP-account (free of charge), where you deposit the parts you wish to donate. It’s also possible to open a new depot. Check with your bank for the best alternative.
As soon as your donation has been registered, you or your company will receive a confirmation from the bank. The donation is valid on a continuous basis and will only cease to be valid if you either sell the shares whose dividends you donated, or if you inform your bank that you wish to stop the donation. If you have a VP-account, please use the forms “Anmälan av rättighetshavare för VP-konto” by filling a cross for ”Avregistrering”. If you have a depot, contact your bank.
It will be evident in the control note sent to both yourself and the tax authority at the end of the year from your bank who the recipient of the donation is. If the tax authority has not received a control note from the bank, send in your own together with your tax return. (Source: Charity Rating)