Last day of school 2018 (except for the exams, fingers crossed)

Gundua Foundation

The Gundua Primary School was officially closed for the year on 25 October, marking the end of the third and last term 2018.

In connection with the end of the school, Master Teacher Franco Mbae held a speech and thanked all students and teachers for their efforts this year. The school’s average has improved from 275 to 280 points, in comparison to last year’s mean score for the entire school.

During the event, the students sang, performed theatre and danced, and at the end of the event were awarded different prizes to the students. The prizes where awarded to the student who showed the greatest improvement in each class, the best class in Upper Primer, the cleanest boy and the girl from each class, the three best students in each class and those who performed well in the talent show.

Last week also marked the last school day for Gundua Secondary School, where rector Lydia Marete, deputy principal Stanley Kathurima and teachers thanked the students for their collaboration during the year.

This too was celebrated with a speech, that advised students to avoid bad company, alcohol, drugs and premarital sex during the holiday. And urged them to behave good in general – and to help out at home specifically.

The best students were awarded during the closing assembly, with form four still in anxiously awaiting their final secondary examination KCSE. Those are set to begin on 5th November 2018, so everyone wished them success!

So, both of the schools are more or less over for this year! The first semester of 2019 does not start until the 2nd of January for Primary and the 3rd of January for Secondary. We will return with the school year’s results in more detail after form fours exam, we wish all the students a nice leave and keep our fingers crossed for the KCSE.

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